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Friday, December 25, 2009


Nice movie,another good effort by aamir.This movie will join the list of the ones which have a good impact on audience taste,and effectively try to innovate it(the taste) to a much realistic cinema.Aamir is doing something that will creat audience taste to like movies made by persons like kashyap(Anurag) in future.It is very nice to visualise that in future realist movies will also attaract such crowd.

Their is logic in such thinking,aamir is innovating,he is trying to put realist ideas along with the fantasy and entertainment.I watched the movie on the first show and saw a huge crowd in the local cinema hall here,and find it interesting that peoples were enjoying,and when the 3 hours were over discussing the topic seriously,i really found many of them doing so.this means they are somewhere changing their attitude,this change they will try to attain but will become unsuccessful shortly,and then will search for a more serious solution,this means change in taste.World is growing ,only real truth can save us and audience will headoff to find it.Day will come when realist cinema will have impact,attract audience.

The plot of cinema was extremly situation based.Situations creating problem and then it self giving solution,the hero(rancho)just continue to be honest(both with work and mind).And that honesty was the reason how he kept him self cool and smiling,rancho was actually a portrayal of a good man(which is still growing and innovating) moving in situations attaching itself with the honesty.This was the reason why he was not depressed,dont gave up,not only in others eye,but in front of his own soul,example may be quoted,like just give a look at the tragedy where they were caught stealing question paper,situations created the problem their(like pia was not near her mobile phone,they accidently called her,and the phone was in front of her dad,also she became busy with another call),situation also gave the solution ,like mona was at the verge of delevery,rain came etc.Rancho's role was that he just dont make him self the victim of the situation,and kept him self honest,that was the source of his believe on him self.

The same situation might have been shot in another way,like the director don't get any hint about their activity and they become success ful in their mission.Making raju pass its exam and keeping the director down(as was done in M.B.B.S),but that would not have created the rancho to its completness.

Rest of the movie was good ,with fine technical and sound effect,nice acting,good music and song,with a much better touch of reasonable comedy.Very nice character sketch of all the characters with only limitation of that of time.The theater in which i watched is booked for the next three days(i got the ticket because i purchased it 2 days before and that also of the front row ,only 25 bucks!),the best reply from the audience in that theater was this,i have never heared whistels and shouts from audience because they were passionate for continue the movie before schedule after the interval,but believe me they were really passionate.

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